
        Organizes exciting two or more day boat journeys across the rivers and lakes of Latgale. Rents and transports canoes and life jackets. The holiday home "Ezersētas" is located in Aglona county, Kastulina parish ~ 25 km from Aglona, driving the Aglona-Dagda motor road ashore the Užuņi lake. There are offered 2 separate houses.
    "Mazā pirts" - with the traditional bathhouse and a lounge on the first floor and 5 beds on the second floor, is situated on the very shore of the lake. "Kalna Ezersētas" – a 2-floor building with 7 beds, lounge, shower and WC, is located 100m from the lake. The tenants of this building have an opportunity to use the black or smoke bathhouse situated on the very shore of the lake. Every building has its separate beach and its rowing boat as well as its shed, fireplace and tent sites.
phone: +371 29166259 (Ainārs)
Ladiškina, Kastuļina parish
Aglona district, LV- 5685
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
GPS: 56.1578899; 27.303327