Guest house “Saulgoze”
Two-story house is a great place where you can spend holidays, have a rest and enjoy nature. House has celebration room with terrace, Russian bath-house in the ground floor and 5 rooms with beautiful outlook towards the lake on the first floor.

Phone: +371 28336656, +371 29912646

GPS:  56.0202, 27.47695

There are places for fire and picnic, table and small benches on the shore as well as place for sport activities. You can enjoy fishing. In the lake there are fish like: pike, roach and perch.

We offer rental canoes, paddles, life jackets, sealed bags. Boats will transport to your selected location.

Address: Perveliski, Konstantinova parish, Krāslava municipality
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viesuskaits 10 gulamvietas 2  V-X